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Dr. Spörk Logo

Dr. Ulana Spörk

For many years I have been working very intensively with minimally invasive aesthetic medicine and anti-aging face and body rejuvenation techniques. The combination of aesthetic instinct and medical expertise enables my treatments to produce a harmonious effect and natural look. It is important to me not only to reduce „the one wrinkle“, but also to bring the proportions back into balance.

Aesthetic medicine at the highest medical and technical level. No secrets, safe and completely without surgery.

My goal is to create a caring and discreet environment in which you can feel comfortable, express your wishes openly and honestly, and receive highly personalized treatment options that will help you achieve your aesthetic goals. I create a bespoke plan of treatments that minimize the effects of stress, pollutants and age on the face and body and restore a youthful and confident appearance. Therefore, I am asking all new patients to make an appointment before booking the procedure. Consultation is free of charge, on request bespoke treatment immediately after the consultation.

Time, age and everyday life leave traces on all of us. Sometimes nature needs a little help. Together we will find the right treatment.
